My hair is dry and damaged from summer and everyday swimming (chlorine). I dont know why its so tangled but even after i brush it, it still tangles, i dont know what to do?
I need a home treatment for dry tangled hair, got any?
This may sound weird, but when I used to swim, I did this %26amp; it helps. You can get leave-in conditioner and put it on every day %26amp; after swimming or you can take any kind of regular hand lotion (not fruity or anything) %26amp; rub a very small amount into your hands and and run it through your hair when it's wet (especially at the ends). Don't put too much at the roots because it will look greasy.
I need a home treatment for dry tangled hair, got any?
Aussie Moist conditioner %26amp; Thermasilk spray leave in conditioner work great. (I have the same problem).
I need a home treatment for dry tangled hair, got any?
After washing your hair, use HOT OIL treatment for your hair and leave it in for a few minutes.....Orr..use deep conditioner after washing your hair;; Garnier is a very good brand, or Pantene
I need a home treatment for dry tangled hair, got any?
I've heard Mayonaise is a good conditioner for hair. You leave it on for about an hour and rinse out. If you wash your hair flipped over a tub it tanges more. However, if you wash your hair in a shower typically it will be less tangled due to the stream of water combing your hair. One REALLY good product to use to make your hair feel like silk is Silk Therapy by Biosilk. I LOVE it. You work a small dab into your damp hair after you've washed and conditioned it. Ausie three minute miracle is a great conditioner. Honestly I have long hair and the shampoo doesn't make much difference to my hair, but I like Ausie's products. It smells really good. Since I have long hair I've noticed that it's really hard to comb my hair when it's wet. So I just lightly comb through it with my fingers when it's wet and then I wait until it's dry to brush it. I know it sounds weird, but it is easier.
I need a home treatment for dry tangled hair, got any?
you need to get rid of the chlorine buildup first. mix katchup and baking soda into a paste in a glass or plastic bowl. shampoo hair as usual. rinse. apply katchup and baking soda mix. comb thru (if you can. if not , don't bother) leave on 30 minutes and rinse. shampoo again. towel dry. conditioner. rinse with cool water.
the katchups acid eats the chemicals and the baking soda will exfoliate your hair and put it back to natural ph balance.
check your brush. does it (did it ) have balls? are any balls missing? get a new brush. one without balls. denman brand works great.
I need a home treatment for dry tangled hair, got any?
you could use an hot oil treatment and a really good conditioner
I need a home treatment for dry tangled hair, got any?
Shampoo, then condition. Proper shampooing is the first step to a healthy scalp and manageable hair, but don't use a conditioning shampoo. Two-in-one products that combine shampoo and conditioner really can't do a good job of either cleansing or conditioning. After all, how can a product effectively remove and add substances at the same time?
Instead, use a gentle shampoo to cleanse, then follow with a conditioner specifically geared for dry hair every time you shampoo. Don't worry about shampooing too often. Today's gentle shampoos are designed for frequent use.
Deep-condition regularly. To fill nicks and chips in the hair's damaged outer layer and restore shine, deep-condition. Depending on the condition of your hair, once a week or once every few weeks is all that is needed. Consisting of various combinations of natural and synthetic ingredients (including proteins, polymers or other additives), deep conditioners don't "feed" your hair; they just fill in defects and coat the hair shaft, resulting in a smooth, flat surface that will reflect light and restore shine to your hair.
For maximum effectiveness apply a deep conditioner before you shampoo. Gently work the conditioner into your hair with your fingertips and allow it to be absorbed for a few minutes. Then shampoo and follow with your regular conditioner.
Pat your hair dry. Hair dryers and blowers--and even vigorous towel-drying--can rough up the outer layer of hair cells. So whenever possible, pat or gently squeeze your hair dry with a towel and avoid rough handling.
Use thermal styling conditioners. If you must blow-dry your hair, spray it with a thermal conditioner such as HeatSafe before you plug in your dryer. HeatSafe combines four different types of moisturizers designed to both treat and prevent dry hair.
Protect your tresses. To prevent the sun from drying your hair or exacerbating hair that's already dry, mist your hair with a sunscreen made for hair before you hit the beach or head for the pool. Or wear a hat whenever you're out in the sun.
Good luck. :)
At Home Shampoo Bowl review