Tuesday, November 24, 2009

My pit gets small dry spots on her tail and back and theres no hair?

she is 4 months old - its small finger nail size spots on her tail and down her spine is like even smaller 3-4 spots, its like dry skin and the hair has fallen out- its kind of noticable if you look at it - what could be causing this... i feed her nutro dry food - and alot of human food . shes a dam begger and my granma and mom give in to her begging!! thanks - btw if all your gonna say is take her to the vet, please save your fingers from typing irrelivant info - the first thing that comes to a persons head is vet , so im looking for someone that has had the same issue - vets are rip offs here in arizona

My pit gets small dry spots on her tail and back and theres no hair?

Allergies are EXTREMELY common in pits, some with mild bumps accompanied by loss of hair, to horrible cases of feet so broken out from grass allergies that the dog's skin is completely purple with total loss of hair on back legs.

If it is an environmental allergy, such as grass, etc, there are steps you can take to help her. However, if it is a food allergy, the people food can be (and usually handouts are) harmful to her. I would really start to put a stop to the begging for her health's sake. See if that helps her skin, also limit her time on the lawn and exposed to the sun (as pits are sun sensitive generally too)

Please be advised that this is also a sign of mange in a dog, which will cause hair loss, and will require a prescription to cure.

It is also a sign of ringworm, which is contagious to people as well as other pets.

No one will be able to completely diagnose your pup over the internet though, and because it could really be so many things you should have someone see her. Surely not all vets there are ripoffs.

I hope I helped you, and good luck!

My pit gets small dry spots on her tail and back and theres no hair?

Unfortunately, without a skin scraping by a vet, you'll never know. It could be fungus or ringworm, or something like a staph infection or mange. Food allergies don't generally cause that type of skin problem, so I doubt it's the food. If you refuse to see a vet, it will probably persist or worsen. Vets are ripoffs everywhere, but if you go in and tell them to do a skin scraping and nothing more, you'll at least get what you pay for and have an answer. If they suggest oral medication, get it, if they suggest a topical shampoo or something, you may be able to find it cheaper online. Good luck either way!

My pit gets small dry spots on her tail and back and theres no hair?

It sounds like it could be demodectic mange. Humans and animals all have small mites on our skin and naturally we are able to keep everything in balance. Sometimes when an animal is growing..their immune system cannot keep up with their body and the mites will try to take over and it starts with small hairless patches and can turn into complete baldness if not cared for. I would take it to the vet to rule anything out. If the vet says mange...dont need to panic just boost her immune system with a good supplement and her body should fight off the imbalance on it's own. Lots of time the vet will recommend expensive and pretty toxic baths to try to get the mange under control, but it is alot easier to get a good supplement with Seameal in it... I know solid gold has a supplement that helped my dog as a puppy fight off mange without the use of harsh chemicals.

Good Luck. I know vets are a rip off, thats why I suggest going about the homeopathic route if possible.

My pit gets small dry spots on her tail and back and theres no hair?

Pit Bull's are prone to some skin problems. I have one that is not prone to them, but have seen many that are, and this could be a type of mange that is hereditary or it could be a kind contracted. It could also be a skin allergy. I would recommend a Vet, but you should be able to find one that is cheaper if you contact a spay and neuter type clinic and go there. Without the proper treatment, this could become very serious and even life threatening if it is mange.

Food allergies are possible, too. You could try switching her diet gradually to a food that does not contain wheat or corn and has an atypical meat source, like Venison.

The problem is, this is fairly unlikely to be the cause of your dogs skin sickness, and mange when not treated promptly can cause the dog to lose more and more hair and the skin can start bleeding from scratching and biting.

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